Day 2: The Three Ali’s & Their Birds

My little cousin Ali came downstairs this morning with his bird cage. Seeing how happy he is with his birds I asked him what he named them, “Zebra” he replied.
“What about the other four birds?” I asked taking notice that the small cage had five birds inside.
I realized my observation had not outsmarted him, “They’re all called Zebra!” He snapped back.
*Duh! They all have the same name* 
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So I followed my cousins outside, and hung their bird cage high up under the window sill just as they asked. Then little Ali asked me to give him the little water dropper the birds drink from, even though it was still full of water. At first I was confused as to why he was refilling it and then I remembered the conversation he had with his mom yesterday afternoon.
Little Ali told his mom the water dropper has to have cold water so that his birds lay more eggs. More eggs means more chicks which means more birds to sell which means more money. Simple enough! 
Only problem is even when his birds do lay eggs he never has patience to wait a week. Instead he decides “to check on the chicks” by cracking the egg shell and realizing it’s too early!
My other cousin, whose a little older and also carries the same name Ali, has inspired the family with his entrepreneurship spirit. He has been buying and selling birds, making no profit and actually losing money but that’s not important right?
So now I’m being convinced to get myself some birds. The littlest Ali (yes there is a third cousin named Ali whose the youngest of them all!) told me to give him five dinars so he can buy one for me. Then little Ali said that he would get me a bird, better than the one littlest Ali would get, for ten dinars and if I have him fourteen dinars he would even buy bird food for me. That’s when I realized they were trying to make money off me. 
This whole entrepreneurship spirit is really being taking advantage of by kids these days. They still haven’t made any money off me but I have a feeling I am going to go back to Tripoli with a very light wallet..
Note: Three of my cousins are named Ali after my grandfather.

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