
We are in a world that sells to us the idea that we can escape our everyday reality. That there is a way to let loose and ignore it all, as a way to feel – momentarily – better. We see it in pop culture, media, books and anywhere our eyes set upon and through everything we hear: Netflix and chill, binge eating, intoxication, retail therapy and the other multitude of things that take us far from our reality for a bit or make us feel numb. We are constantly being marketed a non-satisfactory means of filling in the discomfort we feel within us.

What we don’t realise, or maybe we forget, is that we should instead be submissive to a Higher Power – God – as a way of really dealing with discomfort. What we really need is the ability to give up our thirst for control and power over everything, because that is not ours to possess. We as humans need to be able to find comfort in knowing that, and having faith in, God.

In order to be able to sit with discomfort we must have a sense of consciousness and use that consciousness to accept our discomforts and deal with them. This very conciseness is what *frees us* rather than the idea of escape being sold to us.

There is no escape. There is no momentary solution. But there is consciousness that can be liberating in allowing us to be fully present and have full faith in the process.

Sit with yourself, feel that discomfort, push where it hurts and realise what is yours to own and what is to submit.

Consciousness is a spiritual act, an intellectual act and a political act, amongst many others.

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